
Transformers prime: Life as a cybertronian pt 1

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TheToonmeister360's avatar

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It was a beautiful evening in Jasper, Nevada. The sky was tinted orange and some clouds were passing by. Jack and Arcee were riding back to the autobot base as Jack was seated firmly on Arcee's leather seat and hands gripped her handlebars. He was wearing Arcee's holoform Sadie's helmet. "How you doing back there Jack" Arcee said from her motorcycle body's intercom voice box. "Great, just great. Keep up the speed Arcee" Jack said as Arcee boosted the power to her engine, turning up the speed to 60 mph. The blue motorcycle with pink highlights rode with burning high speed to the base as Jack held on for dear life. He enjoyed the challenge. Jack first met Arcee at his place of part time work, the K.O. burger. When Jack first saw her in her motorcycle form he admired her beautiful design, her handlebars her seat, all before he even knew she was a robot. It was the skirmish with the eradicons that blew the secret and ever since then Arcee and Jack began to form a friendship, despite it being rocky at first. Meanwhile a few blocks behind Arcee was a yellow and black muscle car with sliding door wings that was speeding along the road. Inside was a little boy with spiky brown hair and orange glasses who was a bit shorter and younger than the black haired motorcycle driving teen. He was known as Rafael. As he leaned upon the upholstery of the car he asked "So, how long do you think it'll be before we get back Bumblebee"? "Beep, boop boop beep, beep boop "About 5 minutes" the car said in only beeps. Bumblebee couldn't talk due to an incident during the war for cybertron, but he has the ability to communicate using cybertronian computer language. Normaly, humans wouldn't understand what he was saying since they couldn't understand computer language, but Bee was surprised to find that one human could, Rafael. He was even more surprised to find that he had a strong friendly connection to him simply because of the unique communication the two had towards each other. The third pair of bonding human/robot companions was a 15 year old human girl sitting in the front seat of a green assault SUV, kicking her legs up and down. "Come on Bulk, pedal to the medal, they're getting ahead of us" said the energetic girl. "Miko, it's not safe to drive too fast ya know. We'll get to the base soon" said Bulkhead."Aww, come on" Miko said disappointed. Miko was a very energetic teenage girl who was amazed by the autobots when she first saw them, especially Bulkhead. She wore a purple pink T-shirt with and alien on the front, bead earrings, a scrunchy and a pair of shorts with a pair of purple and pink striped socks. She also wore black boots, all to represent her love of rock and roll and pop culture. As the three vehicles and their human companions drove, they looked upon the brightened evening sky. As Arcee and Jack drove straight up to the rock face in the cliff the front rock opened and lowered down to reveal a spiral road, leading up to a driveway in the autobot's base as the two drove up the road. Bumblebee and Bulkhead soon followed behind, driving up the swirling spiral.
Ratchet heard the familiar honking of the green assault SUV bot Bulkhead. Turning to the driveway entrance he saw the three vehicles enter the autobot base. "Hey Ratch' said Bulkhead as Miko opened his door and exited out of him. Bumblebee and Arcee let off their passengers as well as they all shifted into robot mode. "Well, it appears you all made it safely to the base" Ratchet said. "Yeah, of course we made it safe. No decepticons know of the base" Miko pointed out. "Of course, but you can never be too careful" said the red and white medibot. He knew that decepticon activity had increased because of all the energon scouting as of late so he was right to be cautious of any decepticons looking for their base by following the autobots to the entrance. Miko walked over to the small human compartment of the base, where Jack and Raf followed. The always present TV and video game console sat in the middle of the compartment. "Hey Raf, wanna play some racing games" Jack asked. "No thanks, I already have a game system with me" said Raf. From his pocket he pulled out a rectangular machine with blue on the top and black on the bottom. Flipping the top open he turned it on and began to play. Hearing the familiar footsteps of his robot friends he turned to see Bumblebee looking curiously at his small rectangular device. "What is that, Raf" asked the young scout. "Oh, it's a Nintendo DS. It's a smaller version of game consoles people play that you can carry in your pocket" Raf answered. "Cool" said the yellow and black bot. He reached 2 fingers out to try and hold the even tinier gizmo. "Uh, sorry Bee, but you could crush it if you grab it" Raf said. Bee was a little let down, but he understood. Earth technology was intriguing to Bumblebee. A small device for human entertainment with a screen like a Tv, only the human player was in control. It was fascinating to him. More so than Ratchet, who could grow quite irritated at the three human's activities. "Ugh, could you turn that racket off" Ratchet said, hearing the loud sound effects of Raf's pokemon platinum game from his DS.  Raf reluctantly complied and turned down the volume. "Who knew you had such sensitive audio receptors" Arcee said jokingly to Ratchet. "It boggles my mind to understand how such a small piece of earth technology can make such loud noise" the medibot once again complained. "Aww, come on. If you could play it you could see how awesome it is" Miko said cheerfully to Ratchet. "I have far more important things to worry about than a piece of primitive earth entertainment. "Always a party pooper" said Bumblebee in beeps. Speaking of your audio receptors, I kind of wonder Ratchet" Jack said. "Yes, what"? "What's it like being a machine, or mechanical organism" he asked, trying not to be offensive. "Well, it may be a little similar to how you fleshy organic beings feel naturally, but it's far more complicated in biological terms" said Ratchet. "How" Raf asked. "We function mechanically like machines function on your planet. Circuit boards, fuses, stabilizers and servos" he said, lifting his arms for the last part. "But we are living organisms all the same. I know of the people on your planet who say your life force is supported by your organic heart and astral soul" he said knowingly. "Our cybertronians life forces are supported by our sparks, electric pulses that flow through our systems and give us the consciousness to live. And energon, the life fluid of all cybertronians that courses through our veins like blood in your bodies. Even if we suffer system failure it won't threaten our lives. Only under dire circumstances would our sparks be in danger of being extinguished, like if we suffer extreme damage to our outer systems, as well as our inner systems. Or worse, a complete shutdown". The medibot finished explaining the biology, not going into too many complications. "Wow" said Raf. The three kids stared in shock. "Yes, you humans would do well to learn about cybertron. It would educate you, unlike your trivial games and tomfoolery" he said pointing to Raf and Miko. "I would teach you but I have work to do" said Ratchet as he returned to his workplace.  "Didn't know giant robots could teach" said Miko, looking at Jack and Raf. "There' a lot more to being a cybertronian than just bot bashing" Arcee said, bending down to Miko. "I wish I could be a robot like you sometimes" Miko said wishfully. "You can be a robot, I'd rather be human. I'd like to be in a body I know about" Jack said. "Aw, you don't know what you'd be missing" Miko said. The other autobots laughed at the cute conversations their tiny human friends had. At that moment Optimus Prime came in. The leader bot shifted from truck to robot mode. "Hello Jack, Miko, Rafael" Optimus said kindly. "Hi Optimus" said the kids altogether, still giddy from their conversations. "I trust everything is fine, considering your amusement" asked the boss bot. "Yeah, we were just talking about cybertron and what it would be like to be robots' Raf said. "An interesting question" said the boss bot.  "While the large size and strength of a cybertronian is quite immense, do not forget that while you are humans and may be small, you possess the potential to possibly do what even a cybertronian may not be able to do.  The determination and emotions that human beings insert into their efforts is something that I admire about you, especially you 3. You may be small, but you have proven time and again of how great allies you 3 have come to be to us, and for that I would like to say thank you" Optimus said as his last compliment to his human friends. "Thanks big guy" said Miko. The kids looked at Optimus happily for his say of thanks.
All of a sudden the familiar sound of the signal on Ratchet's monitor began glowing, showing a tapped energon vein being detected.  "Energon on the move again Optimus" Ratchet said looking at the monitor. "Time to kick some decepticon undercarriage" Bulkhead said smashing his fists together.  The kids looked toward the ground bridge as Ratchet activated it and the Four fighting autobots prepared themselves. As they walked toward it, Optimus Prime announced their departure with his trademark departing words. "AUTOBOTS, ROLLOUT". The four autobots transformed into their vehicle modes and took off, phasing away into the bridge.

The Next Day

     It was a cloudy evening as the Nemesis slew above the earth's skys. The purple halls filled with and guarded by vehicon decepticons patrolling every corner, with the command center occupied with the ever fearful and cruel decepticon leader, Megatron. "Curse those Autobots" the big bad boss bot said, smashing his servo into the wall. "How could we lose another energon vein" the power mad leader said with anger in his voice. Outside the control room Soundwave could hear the rage of his leader. The recon drone bot was silently listening to Megatrons fury. He wanted to help his leader, being the loyal decepticon he is. Suddenly hit with inspiration, Soundwave came up with an idea within his ever mysterious processor unit. It was at that moment that Soundwave walked into the room with Megatron turning around to see who came in. "Soundwave, what is it" asked Megatron. The silent seeker simply came up to Megatron, an idea in his optics, so to speak. Soundwave then turned on his screen face to display a picture he took. It was a picture of three human kids, the three kids being Jack, Miko, and Rafael. He had taken the picture at the satellite base in Texas where he was using the satellites to pinpoint cybertron for Megatron's spacebridge and where the kids were trying to sabatoge the plan. Megatron looked at Soundwave's screen for a few seconds before replying. "Ah, the three human children who help the autobots" said Megatron. "What are you suggesting Soundwave"? Soundwave simply looked at Megatron without saying a word as he usually does, but his way of communication was able to make itself quite understood. "Are you suggesting that we use these children to our advantage against the autobots" asked Megatron? "Yes, they are quite troublesome but no real threat to us. A simple solution would be to eliminate them, but being under the autobots' protection that would be too difficult". Megatron pondered about what to do. "Perhaps we could use them for our own personal gain. Find them and capture them" said Megatron. Soundwave nodded in agreement and went out to follow his leader's orders. "Now we finally have a reason to use our new machine" Megatron said. Moving towards the monitors he looked into the experimental machine room and saw the large bot sized machine. It was about Megatron's size and next to it were 3 containment units. "Hmhmhm" Megatron laughed as he put together his diabolical plan, no doubt involving his new machine in his sinister plot for the human kids. Soundwave walked towards the back entrance of the Nemesis. Walking to the door he opened it to reveal the cloudy atmosphere below the ship. He shifted into his recon plane mode and flew down to the one place he knew where to look, Jasper, Nevada. That was the first sighting where the kids were encountered. In a matter of seconds he was in the stratosphere and flying down to the human inhabited world.
       It was a sunny afternoon for Jack Darby as he got off from his shift at the K.O. burger. With Arcee and the other autobots busy today courtesy of Arcee telling him, Jack was free to take the day to himself. As soon as he took off his uniform hat and placed it on the counter, his cell phone started ringing. "Hey mom" said the teen boy. "Jack, you coming home" asked a voice coming from the speaker of the phone. "Yup, just got off" Jack said. "Okay, come home safe honey" his mom said. "Later" said Jack and turned off his phone. Getting on his bike he pedaled his way home. What he didn't notice however was a certain recon plane in the air. Soundwave was flying silently in the air. Using his online sensors he began scanning life forms on the surface of Jasper. The infrared heat signatures of the humans were scanned in his database but none were equal to any of the children in the picture he took. Jack continued to pedal his way home when he saw a familiar face. He made his way toward his school where he saw the face. Upon getting there he sees its Miko. "Hey Jack" Miko said, sitting on the stair rail. "Miko, what are you doing here after school hours" Jack asked. "Detention, teach gave me 2 hours in the class for throwing spitwads at the board". Somehow Jack felt as if he didn't even need to ask. "So, we going to the autobot base today" she asked, feeling as though she knew the answer would be yes. "Nah, the autobots are pretty busy today, what with fighting decepticons for energon and Ratchet working on some new doohickeys for more upgrades to the bots' power systems, I think we would just get in the way" he said walking his bike. "Aw, too bad, but it doesn't mean we can't go anyway" the rough rowdy girl said mischievously. "Miko, sigh, I can't even say it" Jack said with pity to the girl. While they walked they saw their friend and genius companion walking down the sidewalk, laptop underarm and glasses on his face. Rafael Escuivel. "Hey guys" Raf said, running to his friends. "Oh hey Raf" said Miko. "Where you guys going" said the preteen brown haired boy. "Just heading home" Jack said. "Not much we could do today".
The air was silent as Soundwave moved quietly above the clouds. Thinking it was taking too much time he turned up the power to his sensors and began a thorough search of the city, quickly comparing the life signatures of Jack, Miko and Raf to the ones in his database yet again. It was to his great, yet very subtle delight that he found a match to all 3 at once. 3 single life forms walked in unison along a sidewalk. Soundwave turned on his cloaking device. Lowering himself down closer to ground level he silenced his jets. He slowly sneaked behind Jack, Miko and Raf while flying at the height of a house roof. Seeing as there were too many witnesses around Soundwave had to try and draw the kids away from pubic. He didn't know much information oabout the kids personally, but he did know that the one called Jack's partner was Arcee and that's where he put his plan into motion.  As Jack was only one block away from his house he prepared to walk across the street with his bike, Miko and Raf still tagging with him. "So good luck with whatever Jack" Miko said. "Yeah, yeah" said the raven haired teen. As he finished that remark his phone automatically rang. "Hello" Jack asked. "Jack, you there" a voice asked. Jack recognized it as Arcee's, though he didn't recognize the monotone echo that accompanied it. "Arcee, what's going on,weren't you at an energon mine" asked Jack. "Yeah we were, but we're pretty much done now. Meet me at the outskirts of town. I'll drive you to base if you want" "Arcee" said. "Uh, sure, just let me tell my mom" he said. Hanging up he called his mom and told her he'd be going to the autobot base. "Alright, we're going to team prime again" Miko said cheerfully. Making their way to the outside of town they came across the familiar mountain road to the autobot base. "Well, where's Arcee' said Miko. "Yeah it is weird that she would just call out to you and offer you a ride to base when she knows that you're at home by now" Raf added. Jack got suspicious for a second. Miko and Raf were right, Arcee wouldn't just call him out like that. Plus, he noticed how strange her voice sounded with the strange monotone echo you would hear from a stereotypical earth robot. As if on cue a purple plane lowered its way to the kids. "Woah, look at that" Miko said pointing at the air vehicle. "Wait, I know that plane" Jack said in fear of his realization of what, or who it was that had found them. Without hesitation the purple stealth plane shifted into a giant skinny armed robot with a screen for a face. Purple coated his body to go with his all too familiar insignia. "IT'S SOUNDWAVE" Jack screamed in realizing that the decepticon had lured them into a trap and that he, Miko and Raf were completely helpless. No other Autobots around, just three humans and a sleak and secretive robot.  The bot looked down at the tiny human children. They knew decepticons were bad news so they prepared for the worst. Looking up at the bot with nervousness they were scared, but also confused. If Soundwave lured them to him why wouldn't he attack them? Soundwave turned his gaze to each child one at a time, scanning them subconsciously like any robot would. The faceless con stuck his gaze at Miko. He came closer to her face, seeing the fear she had knowing that she was at the mercy of a robot. Despite being outmatched and outpowered, Jack wasn't going to sit back and watch Miko get hurt so he prepared for what he would do if Soundwave tried to attack her. The bot finally made a move. His arm moved toward Miko. Jack and Raf were shakingly anticipating his move but unexpectedly the bot didn't attack. Instead he held his hand out to her. Miko was confused at first. Soundwave was holding his hand in front of Miko, gesturing for her to stand on it. She knew that she had to do what she was told. She took a step and climbed onto the metallic finger of the bot, making her way to his palm. "Uh, Hi" Miko said. The bot uttered no sound in response. Jack and Raf just stared in awe. Miko was saying hello to a decepticon, a decepticon who wasn't acting very deceptive, so to speak. He then proceeded to pull something out of his "pocket" compartment. It was a glass containment unit. It looked to be the size of Miko. Opening it he carefully moved Miko toward the opening. He gestured for her to jump in the containment unit. Miko looked at Jack  and Raf, who were still on the ground, then at Soundwave. She didn't want to go inside a capsule and be kept in there, but she had no choice. Jumping in the capsule she was sitting in a fetal position as the jar constricted and adapted to her size. Soundwave then held out his other hand toward Jack and Raf. They looked at each other for a second, then at Soundwave. Obviously choosing the safer choice they climbed onto his hand. Soundwave held them towards two capsules. Raf jumped in one. It closed on top of him and constricted to his size, keeping him from moving while squeezing him like Miko. Jack, knowing he had no other choice, jumped in the capsule. The lid closed on top of him and the capsule closed in on Jack, squeezing him into a unmovable pose. Soundwave had successfully captured the human allies of the autobots. Transforming, he put the 3 capsules containing Miko, Jack and Raf in his cockpit and flew off.
Here is the fist part of my revamped trannsformers prime story where Jack Miko and Raf get turned into cybertronians. I decided to revamp it because I realized the first version of it focused too much on soundwave. This will be better. I hope you all like it.

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IceWolfPack10's avatar
Hmmmm what is Soundwave and Megajerk up to.....